Thursday, August 15, 2019

Move your sync center file location in Windows 10

There are other ways to do this versus a link, however, this is what worked for me.

Move offline file cache in Windows 10:
  1. Create a folder for your offline file cache. Something like G:\Offline.
  2. Run command prompt in Administrator mode and type the following:
Takeown /r /f C:\Windows\CSC
  1. Open the Sync Center and go to Manage Offline Files.
  2. Click Disable Offline Files and restart the machine.
  3. From an elevated command prompt issue the following commands:
    rd /s C:\Windows\CSC
    mklink /J C:\Windows\CSC "G:\Offline"
    Keep quotes in above example
  4. Reopen the Manage Offline Files window and Enable Offline Files.
  5. Restart the machine.
  6. All files/folders that you selected for offline availability should now be redirected to your new folder/drive specified.

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